Don't Go Hungry: A Food Support Program - Saturday distribution
We acknowledge the land on which we work and serve and give thanks to the Coast Salish people, in particular the QayQayt
First Nation and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people, for their stewardship of these lands over the milennia.
We appreciate their willingness to share their wisdom with how to live in harmony with the land and it's inhabitants.
Food Hamper Delivery Program
The Hamper Delivery Program is intended for community members that are unable to travel to a local food hub or food program. We accept referrals for community members in quarantine, with health issues i.e., mobility issues, just released from the hospital, etc. The hamper program is not meant to be a long term solution to address food insecurity issues. Due to increased need within the community, effective April 2024, recipient eligibility for the program will be reviewed on a 3 month basis. If they are no longer eligible, they will be referred to other food supports in the community.
*Note: Our program is currently at capacity with a waitlist in place.
Call: 778-828-5342
Email: dgh.foodhamperdelivery@gmail.com